
Saturday, June 04, 2005

Kornfield on KQED 

I passed by the Spirit Rock Meditation Center some time back. The Meditation Center is set against a backdrop of rolling, green hills. I remember thinking that I could not think of a better setting for contemplative practice.

I found Jack Kornfield on CD about a year back at the local library. His Meditation for Beginners is a great introduction to Vipassana meditation. I was pretty surprised to learn that Jack Kornfield leads meditation at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Coincidence? I don't think so. The CD provides a brief introduction to meditative practice, and also provides an introduction to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. After discussing his interpretation of the four noble truths, Kornfield guides you through a meditation session to accompany each. This is probably the best introduction to meditation I have seen so far. This must be more than coincidence. Must be a smart librarian :) Anyways, Atanu, you'll probably love this one.

I heard Kornfield on KQED earlier last week where he was in discussion on Forum with Michael Krasny. Master of Guided meditation meets the master of guided discussion. Listen here.

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