
Thursday, January 15, 2004

The Lady drops out 

First of all, I apologise for the infrequent blogging. I have been trying to be disciplined about finishing all the reading I need to finish before a self-imposed deadline on the 25th of January. So, I have been staying away from the Internet as much as possible as also from blogging.

So, I was surprised at all the news emerging from the U.S. political scene. First, I read that Carol Moseley Braun has dropped out of the Democratic race. While I feel sorry for her, I was coming around to the POV that the Democrats with not a sliver of hope of winning the nomination should begin to drop out so Dean, Clark and Kerry could along with the business of being serious candidates.

So, it came as a pleasant surprise to hear that Kerry had actually pulled ahead of Dean in Iowa, while Clark moved into a statistical dead heat with Dean in New Hampshire. This *is* very good news indeed. I hope Clark and Kerry can maintain their momentum over the next 10 days or so.