
Friday, October 03, 2003

Cool, Cool Canada 

I have never lived in Canada. I have only visited and that too, just the big cities. From what little I have seen, I have been very impressed by the country. It seemed a lot more liberal than its southern neighbour. Even the diversity seemed real, in the sense that minorities are represented well in all forms of governments, in the media etc. In fact, I had made a similar post a couple of monts back. Of course, this could simply be the grass being greener. With that caveat in mind, I read the Economist editorial on Canada with great interest.

Part of what makes it cool is a certain boldness in social matters. Canada's government has recently announced its support for pioneering bills to legalise gay marriage and decriminalise marijuana, both excellent liberal ideas. It has granted home rule and control over mineral rights to some of its indigenous Indians. While other rich countries suffer a racist backlash over immigration, Canadians welcome migrants and are proud of their tolerance and cultural diversity. This has turned Canada's big cities into vibrant, cosmopolitan places. Canadian writers and other cultural figures enjoy unprecedented international success.

While generally positive in tone, the editorial also points out some problem spots. Nevertheless, Canada seems like a good country to live in, if only something could done about the goddamn cold. Where is that global warming I was promised?