
Monday, July 21, 2003

United States Vs Canada 

As an outsider, I have been struck by the differences between Canadians and Americans that go beyond just non-membership in the Commonwealth. In fact, besides an inexplicable love for that most gladiatorial of games -- ice hockey -- they really dont seem to have much in common despite living right next door to each other. Thane Peterson examines this phenomenon in greater detail while reviewing the book, "Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values " by Michael Adams.

The fact that Canadians seem outrageously liberal to many Americans these days shows just how out of step the U.S. is with public opinion in other advanced democracies around the world. Like it or not, it also has major implications for U.S. global leadership. How can America rally its closest allies when their fundamental notions of tolerance and decency are so vastly different from its own?